Saturday, May 2, 2009

Nalanda- Most Ancient Seats

A nondescript suburb on the outskirts of Rajagriha played host to Buddha and Mahavira. Centuries later, it was destined to become the world’s most ancient seat of learning.Nalanda owes its name to a naga (serpent) who lived in a tank, not very far from the royal capital Rajagriha. The Chinese legend accounts for the naga being injured while digging the foundation of a monastery. The soothsayers observed that "this is a very superior site. If you build here a Sangharama (monastery), it must of necessity become highly renowned. Throughout the five Indies it will be a model. For a period of a thousand years it will flourish still. Students of all degrees will here accomplish their studies. But many will spit blood because of this wound given to the Naga."


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